Since 9.11… America has elected leaders who were responsible for leading US through a complex transition into The Modern World...
but they didn't.
Instead 'They' chose to feed our discontent for power and profit.
America has lost sight of Our Common Purpose... AND... because we don't know where we are going-
TODAY... I'd like to share with you an Inspired vision that is designed to UNITE America and Beyond behind a common sense of purpose and a 'way' to successfully make the difficult transition into this new modern world.
Where to begin?
Let's begin here...
Countless American citizens have so far... been unable or unwilling to keep-up with what it takes to survive and thrive in This Modern World...
AND... that is THE PROBLEM that most needs to be solved today.
Some people say, 'Look to Baltimore... it's all about RACE'.
AND to these people I say... how dare you insult the men and women of EVERY race in America who literally did whatever it took to overcome the necessary obstacles... to make sure that they weren't Left Behind.
In This Modern World hardly anything is Black and White and it is a tragic mistake to keep our focus on race...
BECAUSE... if you look seriously at the problem of Millions Left Behind, you too will finally see that the color of this problem is...
One in every SEVEN Americans is on Food Stamps and it doesn't matter if you agree with The Left or The Right, there is tremendous common ground in the idea that something is going terribly wrong here in America.
In too many places and in too many ways... the divide between those who are making it in this modern world and those who are not...
If together WE can fix this problem and then export 'the fix' around the world...
Well, let's just say that's something we would ALL be very proud to call one of OUR own.
ISIS has a dream... it's a Caliphate.
And it's an 'attractive' idea for countless Muslims who can't make sense of any other way to prove their Equality in This Modern World.
Deep down, countless people in America feel much the same way about their place in This Modern World.
That's why they take drugs... AND... join Gangs... AND... 'fight' for a higher minimum wage... AND... march and play dead in the streets.
Countless people in Russia and China... AND... in EVERY nation across The Globe feel much the same way.
THIS PROBLEM... IS... our opportunity to absorb much of The Muslim Struggle into a greater mission for Our ENTIRE Modern Civilization.
THE GOOD LIFE... is an upper-middle class lifestyle. AND 100 years from now, EVERY man woman and child in EVERY nation state on Earth will be living it.
AND that means everyone will live in a nice home, in a safe neighborhood and everyone will drive a nice car, send their kids to good schools and have great healthcare... AND... an old-age to look forward to.
Make No Mistake...
Make No Mistake...
I'm a Social Entrepreneur with a special skillset. I know how to unite 300 million Americans to...
with a tech start-up.
And by 'American Union' what I really mean is all The People in The World who believe Democracy is a much, much, much better idea than Authoritarian Rule.
P.S. Don't just look at the tweets on the front of this Twitter page. Check out the Apocalyptic tweets in the 'Replies' section too:
What is The American Dream? It's this...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"
From this 'original' American Dream...
all American Dreams manifest.
…and NOT just here in America.
In the 79 years since The End of World War II...
America's civilian political leadership had absolutely NO choice...
but to fight and win ***The War of Ideas*** against Authoritarian Rule-
that began the moment World War II ended.
AND... they didn't.
Sure, in our name they started many, many wars and killed countless numbers of America's 'enemies' over the years, including Osama bin Laden... and they killed lots of innocent men, women and children who happened to be in close proximity to our enemies.
But they failed to... KILL THE IDEAS... that give rise to Authoritarianism.
In fact, they didn't even try to... KILL THE IDEAS.
79 years after World War II it's up to US... you and me...
to finally give KILLING THE IDEAS a try...
The Nuclear Holocaust... BEGINS.
To Fight & Win any war of ideas against Authoritarian Rule someone must present to The World via Social Media an idea *So Big, So Beautiful and So Powerful* that it super empowers The Imagination of every Soul on Earth and Inspires The Freedom and Democracy Loving People of The World to unite and perhaps fight and die... for that idea and The Freedom and Democracy that idea provides.
The name of this idea is...
STRATEGIC EQUALITY... IS... about dreams and what it sometimes takes to make a dream come true...
It's a 'magic ladder'- and a piece of the missing common ground between Islam, Christianity and Judaism... Non-Believers and Believers... the Left and Right... and between America and the rest of The World... including Russia.
It's an idea for using the power of myth, metaphor, imagination, conspiracy theory and Social Media to re-shape reality and Re-Brand America.
It's a philosophical string theory of a sort... where every person has value and every person has a role.
It's not about me... it's about you and me. It's about US. It's about The Power of Inspiration and Redemption in our lives. It's about doing the right thing... just because it's the right thing and even when no one is looking.
It's not a story about 'turning lemons into lemonade'.
It's a story about turning lemons into something much better... like lemon cream pie.
But when it's all said and done, let's all hope STRATEGIC EQUALITY is just another American Dream come true.
This 'fight' that we are engaged in today is just another in the long line of fights against people who will do whatever it takes to make sure that their dream of a world where 'The Strong Rule The Weak' in every corner of the world... comes true.
Who wins this fight and the endless-war... all depends upon who proves more committed to their dreams in... THE END... because in this fight, you can't 'Stop Authoritarianism' you can only replace it with a better idea.
What idea? It's the Idea that ALL PEOPLE are created Equal.
'Great light and beauty' began to make its way in the world on the day The Declaration of Independence was signed and the promise of equality for... ALL... was made.
Yes, it is true that making Our Founder's Inspired words true... hasn't been easy. But it has always only been a matter of degrees and time before that dream came true.
Friends & Neighbors...
The Worldwide Scourge of Authoritarianism will NOT fall to the invading armies of an American president.
No, Authoritarianism will quietly die... OVER TIME... when EVERY person in The World finally understands, that WE ARE ALL willing to fight for...
IT'S TRUE. This is where we begin to unite The World in common cause and END Authoritarian Rule in every nation state on Earth...
No Matter What The Cost.
Imagine with me if you will... what The World would look like today, if America's Declaration of Independence was written just a little different.
And instead of claiming "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights", America's Founders proclaimed this...
"that all PEOPLE are created equal in every nation state on earth, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights".
...and what ...IF... over the next 248 years The People of THE WORLD went to war over and over and over again until that beautiful dream came true?
Obviously, we can't go back and make that change... but we can and we MUST begin again... with the idea that "all PEOPLE are created equal in every nation state on earth"...
...and what... IF... over the next however many years it may take...
The People of The World unite now and go to... NONVIOLENCE WAR...
over and over and over again until that beautiful dream comes true in EVERY nation state on Earth and every Authoritarian Regime on the planet just disappears?
And Strategic Equality is how we unite The World today, to finally fix what America's Founders got wrong on... July 4th 1776.
In other words...
My new venture... FREICE MEDIA... IS... HOW... THE PEOPLE... fight & win a new, nuclear war of ideas with every Authoritarian Regime on The Planet...
By making it Crystal Clear...
America's Revolutionary War isn't over.
Since 9.11 only one American politician has been in REAL power the entire time...
it’s Joe Biden.
Biden is...
‘The Face of Endless War’.
Like & Re-tweet…
Biden to Resign!
For 23 years America has waged war across The Globe.
The minute WE take to the streets and DEMAND the end of The Endless-war and begin nonviolence regime change here in America…
The World will see America is no longer The Face of Endless-War…
The World will follow our lead and nonviolence regime change will begin in Russia, China and Iran and ALL the other places on Earth where Real Change is desperately needed too.
On Twitter:
To understand what 'The World's NEW Moonshot'... IS...
we must understand what it is not.
So, let's begin here...
The World's NEW Moonshot... IS... NOT... going back to The Moon or even going to Mars. It's not finding a cure for Cancer or Alzheimer's or solving The Opioid Crisis.
And if we unite and begin to do that..
THAT VERY BIG THING... then we will have our Space Tourism to The Moon & Mars and beyond for everyone... and we will have ALL of our 'cures' for all of the diseases that cause so much pain, suffering and death.
That also causes so much pain, suffering and death.
BUT... before we can have all of the good the world can offer everyone...
And to do that... someone had to 'imagine'... how to do that and manifest the alternative path.
That was my task... and it's now complete.
For 23 years America has waged war across The Globe.
The minute WE take to the streets and DEMAND Biden's resignation and the end of The Endless-war and begin nonviolence regime change here in America…
The World will see America is no longer The Face of Endless-war and The World will follow our lead and nonviolence regime change will begin in Russia, China & Iran too.
Mr. Trump… America needs you to succeed.
So, I have built you 'The Loyal Opposition'.
I promise you... this loyal opposition will help you and America become better.
It's been a long time since America has had A Loyal Opposition and it has hurt US. It has hurt US in so many different ways.
I’m not a Trump supporter or a Harris supporter.
I didn’t vote in The 2024 Election because in the 23 years since 9.11…
America’s democracy became… FAKE.
Since 9.11…
I have been working on a ‘way’ to Save The American Union, our Republic and our democracy.
But this thing with Democrats keeping Biden’s mental decline hidden from The American People was too much for me to abide.
So, I decided I will abstain from America’s fake democracy until such a time as it is no longer…
I’m a Social Entrepreneur with a special skillset. I know how to unite 300 million Americans to Save The American Union in 2025 and beyond.
To be clear… some of my work until this point, you will not like.
When you were elected in 2016, I came to the conclusion that my ideas wouldn’t work while you were in power, so I took a very adversarial approach.
Today… YOU HAVE WON… I will no longer take the same adversarial approach to your leadership.
Like I said America needs you to succeed. And we need to stop this vicious cycle of The Party Out of Power trying to destroy The President of The Party In Power.
Since 9.11… we all have said and done things that will always be a part of our ‘history’.
For me… I intend to leave all of my past criticism of you in the past.
None of US can undo… unsay… or unwrite what we have done and said in the past. But we can begin again with better intentions. And from this moment on my intention is to help My President succeed by giving to you this MASSIVE strategic plan to unite 300 million Americans to Save The American Union.
From this moment on anything that I write or publish…
I will ‘mark’ new with…
With this new hashtag we can ALL begin anew…
with better intentions.
'Help Save The American Dream'.
For some time now, America has faced monumental adversity that should have brought out the best in US... but it hasn't.
Instead... September 11th, the threat of economic collapse and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now…
Israel/Iran/Gaza/Hezbollah have revealed how truly far we have drifted away from the values that made America great... AND...
Today, much of the World is on Fire and America is weak in the knee.
America has lost sight of her purpose and suffers a great loss of economic, military and moral authority and our timing couldn't be worse.
At one time, American leaders worked hard to lead America to a better place... but now, many of our elected officials do little more than manipulate US for power and profit.
Today, I'm sad to say...
America is being led towards a very dark and dangerous place.
The fabric that holds America together is coming apart right before our very eyes.
America is in trouble and We MUST come together as a nation... before it's too late.
But the forces that conspire to rip US apart have grown strong and will not cede power until we force them to loosen their grip.
We need to begin to change the rules of the game, because the game that they play is dirty and it's unfair.
So, we MUST have a game changing idea or two...
or better yet 7.
Without a strong sense of national purpose, We will continue to see only what the political animals want US to see...
just how different Americans can be.
For 23 years, America's political parties have stoked our emotional flames and kept US at war with each other.
It's no wonder common ground is so hard to find... but no one can debate the virtues of every American believing in The American Dream.
So 'Help Save The American Dream'... before it's too late.
a MASSIVE 388 tweet Strategic Plan to unite 300 million Americans to…
1. The Nonviolence Solution to Terrorism has been reduced to 388 epic tweets.
I know that's quite a claim.
But scroll to the bottom of this Twitter page and you will see for yourself that it's true and how it will change---
More: https://twitter.com/FreiceMedia
2. A GoFundMe Campaign to 'Help Save The American Dream'.
More: https://www.gofundme.com/f/TheBostonProject
3. FREICE MEDIA... is a way to RE-PURPOSE The World's NEGATIVE social and political energy into a MASSIVE campaign for POSITIVE change by providing The People 'the word weapons & ideas' we need to wrestle political control of away from The World's Authoritarian Thugs.
More: Freice.com
4. 'The Party of US' (coming soon)... is a way to END Two Party Rule in America by destroying America's two major political parties and replacing them with...
Political Party called THE PARTY OF US.
More: ThePartyOfUS.com
5. The primary business proposition of this new venture will become... TheDreamFeeder.com.
'The Dream Feeder'... will become the single most important venture in the world... because it will facilitate a MASSIVE transfer of knowledge to all corners of the world... and help solve the problems of Income Inequality, Mass Migration and The Out of Control Cost of Higher Education.
TheDreamFeeder.com ... IS COMING SOON.
6. The 174 Billion Dollar Entrepreneurial Fund...
In every city, state and town in America... all Americans Wishing to pursue their American Dream will begin with a visit to their local Library and witness its transformation into a Community Entrepreneurial Support Center.
More: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/coming-soon-174-billion-dollar-entrepreneurial-fund-e-fund-media/
YOU... can fix this problem by Swarming EVERY City/Town Hall in America & one voter after another... reduce the rolls of Democratic and Republican Parties to Party Elites who created this mess.
THE GOOD LIFE... is an upper-middle class lifestyle. AND 100 years from now, EVERY man woman and child in EVERY nation state on Earth will be living it. AND that means everyone will live in a nice home, in a safe neighborhood and everyone will drive a nice car, send their kids to good schools and have great healthcare... AND... an old-age to look forward to.
That's my dream... it's also the reason that I gave just about everything that I had to give on my end, to help make sure that THIS dream comes true here in America...
sooner rather than later.
Unfortunately, some people are equally committed to making sure that a dream like this NEVER comes true.
For the purposes of this fight... we will call the people who believe in the idea that the strong should rule the weak...
'The Elitists'.
These 'elitists' are the people who never bought into the idea that the word "all"...
Really does mean ALL.
Among these Elitists is Vladimir Putin and countless men and women throughout the world with tremendous money, power and influence.
AND... what makes this foe so difficult to defeat is the fact that these Elitists often pretend to fight for us. When in reality, they do all they can to make sure that we NEVER grow strong enough to take any money, power and influence away from them.
It's The Elitists who stoke our emotional flames and keep US at war with each other. They do this so we can't see who is really to blame for America's problems with Income Inequality and perpetual war... AND... it's because of that--- that it's finally time for...
My new venture... Freice Media... isn't just a new business. It's a comprehensive Strategy for Winning... The War of Ideas... that began on September 11th.
AND the way we finally do that... is to turn this fight into a fight over Dreams. Once that happens, it won't take very long for everyone to see that this fight has always been a fight against...
'The Elitists'.
Freice Media… IS... HOW... we UNITE THE WORLD and create a new Path to The Good Life for...
'all people in every nation state on Earth'.
In America The Color Of Your Skin Does NOT Matter... OR... What Family You Were Born In... OR... The Nature Of Your Religion... OR... Your National Origin... OR... Your Sex... OR... Your Sexual Orientation.
In America we don't herd sheep and we don't just fight for the weak... we teach and teach and teach until the weak grow strong enough to take the lead...
AND... make their dreams come true.
In America...
People Make Mistakes.
And We Learn From Our Mistakes And Then We Make America A Better Place To Live For Everyone...
The Mistakes That We Make.
In America... We Respect Those Who Overcome Mistakes.
In America... We Cheer for The Underdog.
In America... We Believe In Right And Wrong.
In America... Dreams Still Come True.
In America... Greed Is NOT Good.
THIS IS... 'The Fisherman's Creed'.
AND... The NEW American Dream.
If you agree with The Fisherman's Creed and are willing to fight for your beliefs, then that makes you... A. Dreamer... too.
If you disagree with The Fisherman's Creed and believe that what matters most in America is where you come from or the color of your skin or that your last name is Kennedy, Bush or Trump or Clinton... OR... if you are the type of person who always puts "ME FIRST"... then you are an ELITIST and NOT on the right side of history.
In 1776 The Declaration of Independence gave to The World a magic glimpse of a new world that was...
In 2024 and beyond...
The Fisherman's Creed will do the same.
My new venture called...
IS... where and how we begin to build a new world AGAIN that makes...
On New Year’s Day 2023… I watched Fareed Zakaria’s interview with Billy Joel on CNN.
Why does this matter?
Billy Joel and I are both ‘dream-writers’.
In his interview with Fareed Zakaria, Billy Joel shines a very bright light on the idea that a lot of his music comes to him in his nighttime dreams.
To him it’s just a matter of fact and not something to hide or be ashamed of. And he clearly isn’t worried about what some people might think or say about the origins of his music.
He just writes the songs that float in his head.
He says he doesn’t really understand how it works.
Wait until you see for yourself how Fareed Zakaria responds to it all.
I don’t write music.
I share… THE POWER OF IDEAS… that come to me in my nighttime dreams and that makes me, not any different than the countless writers, scientists, world leaders and of course musicians that came before me.
I just write about different things.
Remember, just because some people choose to keep the origins of their best ideas a mystery… it doesn’t change the fact that humanity’s best ideas all come from the same place.
A place with infinite possibilities.
A place available to ALL who grow strong enough to harness their SHARE of the possibilities.
TODAY… I am very grateful to have found Billy Joel’s interview with Fareed Zakaria. Because I’m finally sharing the contents of my most amazing dreams and ALL the powerful ideas that came directly from my dreams… and knowing that I responded to my dreams in much the same way Billy Joel responded to his…
Well, you should really listen to Billy Joel explain the power of ‘dream-writing’ for yourself. It will help you better understand the very real dynamic of dream-writing... and who knows, it might even open your mind to all the possibilities… that have been trying to make their way into your conscious mind, through… your nighttime dreams too.
More on YouTube:
My new venture… FREICE MEDIA… is a 388 tweet ‘product’ called… the...
Let me explain...
I believe there are countless good people in America who are just as concerned about the current state of America as I am. And while we might disagree about how we got to this dark UGLY place... by now we should all be able to see that the path we are on is unsustainable.
Democrats and Republicans have no real solutions to our dis-UNION.
So, I have launched this new venture as a Paradigm Shift.
Or to put it another way, America's two primary political parties have created a MASSIVE void and opened the door to a MASSIVE political disruption.
My new venture… FREICE MEDIA... intends to 'own' that space with an amazing idea called 'Strategic Equality'.
IT'S A MASSIVE PARADIGM SHIFT... built on the idea that even in these hyper-partisan times... it's possible to unite 300 million Americans to...
'Help Save The American Dream'.
We begin...
What's Operation American Regime Change?
It's this 388 tweet Strategic Plan to finally hold ALL of America's politicians accountable for this colossal mess we are in all across The Globe...
It’s a long story, but I have discovered the single thread of Inspiration that binds all true Americans, reluctant as they may be… to The Idea of E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one).
In 1776… The Declaration of Independence gave rise to a new nation.
But it also gave rise to *THE IDEA* that…
America Is The Place Where Dreams Come True.
Since 9.11…
America’s belief in the idea that America is the place where dreams come true… has fallen off a cliff… mostly because, American politicians from both parties do all they can do to convince the American public that The American Dream is dying…
and that it’s the other party’s fault.
Today, I launch ‘The Campaign to Help Save The American Dream’…
because since 9.11…
I have uncovered the ideas for how to save The American Dream…
in 2024 America and beyond.
Remember, I’m a Social Entrepreneur and not a politician. I actually have a business model capable of uniting 300 million Americans to…
Today, after all this time…
I can finally prove that America is STILL the place where dreams come true.
In 2008… I became consumed with the idea that the secret to making any American Dream come true… was a math problem that needed to be solved. And that made The American Dream--- just like everything else in The Universe.
I also came to believe I was on the cusp of solving this problem.
If true… once solved, this ‘solution’ could be shared with EVERY person in the world. Giving… TRUE HOPE… to everyone in The World willing and able to live their life by the formula this discovery was about to produce.
In 2008… I was a terrible example of such a magnificent breakthrough. My nationwide Behavioral Health initiative for college students had failed and I had just moved home with my parents to find the strength for whatever would come next.
AND… I was a truly flawed man who had made enough mistakes to last a lifetime.
BUT… in 2008… I came to realize my mistakes and failures while significant, were relatively insignificant in the global scheme of things and… IF… I could prove this solution works--- even for ‘someone like me’…
Well, that would truly become new Good News… for countless millions of others who had also lived flawed lives.
'The Secret Dream Code' formula that I am about to reveal to you… IS… the exact ‘code’ that I have lived my life by for the past 16 years. And that is the true story behind how I came to conceive of this new venture to unite 300 million Americans.
So, we can put politics aside & begin to fix all that has gone so terribly wrong in post 9.11 America.
The Universe is governed by rules. We call some of these rules Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Physics, The Law of Gravity and Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Lumped all together we call these rules... Math.
The American Dream also has 'rules' and over time I thought maybe, just like everything else in the universe... The American Dream may also be governed by 'math'. Not simple math but higher math that we might find a way to understand someday.
If true, then the 'magic' formula must be an algorithm of a sort that makes all dreams... good and bad come true.
If true, then the 'magic' formula would look a lot like this...
The Secret Dream Code: Rate of Freedom x Degree of Faith x Speed of Courage x Delay in Gratification = 'The Dream'.
Here are the basics-
'How You See Your Self'... is the magic code in the back of your mind and deep in your soul. If you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror or when you look at your career or when you pick up a newspaper, then the 'lost secret' to The American Dream is what you seek.
In order to survive in this modern world You MUST possess the right codes and NOT be possessed by the wrong ones.
Each person, family, nation and race has a sacred obligation to acquire the right codes before it is too late.
This 'race' is The Human Race... and it's a race that ALL can win.
The starting place is unequal and it is true, there will be many losers... but NOT because they began the race in the wrong place.
Who wins and who loses is determined only by the earned ability to be in the right place when this race finally comes to an end... and the new one begins.
Remember... just as ALL can win this race- in this modern world, ALL can lose as well.
Need proof? Take a look at 'The Modern Kennedy Family'.
Where to begin?
Always begin with 'Purpose'... AND... with the Idea that YOUR MONEY SERVES A PURPOSE TOO... AND... SELF-SACRIFICE for the BETTERMENT OF OTHERS is Deep Beautiful Magic.
Why begin there?
Because Inspiration comes as a thread and because You MUST Do the thing that you see needs to be done, first... EVEN IF IT HURTS... AND... EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY... AND... EVEN IF IT TAKES LONGER THAN YOU THINK IT SHOULD.
And remember, intense, prolonged periods of stress can activate or "turn on" parts of the brain that give a person access to amazing 'inspired' thought.
Stress can be a very, very good thing if the cause of the stress is a cause or 'Purpose' worth fighting for. Otherwise, Stress is a killer.
The most beautiful code ever given to man is the idea that ALL men and women are created equal... but NOT all ideas... and the only way to respond to problems that rise out of darkness and hate is more 'light'. Why? Because 'darkness is the absence of light'.
What's 'the secret' behind bringing more light into your life?
Only You- can pay the price for more light and make the darkness melt into The Light.
In this modern world, when The Idea of Equality spreads... 'great light and beauty' manifests and spreads.
As more and more people fancy themselves as modern-day Kings and Queens--- more and more people will 'sell their soul' for power. When that happens, sooner or later and one way or another there will be 'hell to pay'.
Every 'thing' is a mystery with a Sequence of Codes waiting to be discovered... with the price for 'darkness' and 'light' being the same... Trial and Error... resulting in different codes of course.
And nothing is more important than where you 'draw the line'.
Why? Because... The Universe is self-balancing.
So, if you have a sticky situation of any kind, to fix it... think... Fractal Geometry.
Every Thing of value has a price... and No Thing 'out of balance' works as it should and in Order to get an Inspired thing right, you MUST get the price, timing and the order of things right AND choose for your Self the right side of 'More' or 'Less'.
Because technology has finally thinned the line between "Success" and "Failure" to the point where anyone who makes the right or wrong choices regarding how they spend their time and money can move along lines and circles that were not a part of their family's original "fate".
Need proof? Ask 'The GraigsList Killer' Philip Markoff... and the singer Susan Boyle to tell you their stories.
Within each and every one of us are two conflicting spirits... one that serves only 'The Light' and one that serves only 'The Dark'.
The spirit that serves The Light is... The Better Self and the spirit that serves The Dark is... The Lesser Self. Most simply put, our life conditions and circumstances reflect which spirit is in charge of our life at any given moment in time.
Our beliefs shape the nature of 'the battle' within us... but it is our choices that prove the true nature of our beliefs and reveal which spirit is in charge... More or Less.
The pursuit of purpose and the pursuit of The Better Self is a symbiotic relationship... one cannot exist without the other.
Each time we choose we make a conscious choice to 'feed' the ideas, attitudes, habits, thoughts and behaviors of one spirit or the other. The power of either spirit to 'attract' more light or darkness into our lives, adjusts one way or another by degree based on what spirit is 'fed' and what spirit is not.
This is how 'The Law of Attraction' works.
The two spirits constantly fight and for some, neither spirit will gain the upper hand within their lifetime.
For others, one spirit clearly dominates the other... and in rare circumstances pure Evil is created when 'The Dark Spirit' kills off any sign of 'Light'.
For a relative few each spirit grows VERY strong at the same time.
When this happens, each side does what it can to turn the battle... into a life or death struggle- where only one victor will survive.
That's how the destiny and fate of President William Jefferson Clinton collided with the destiny and fate of The White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
The good news? 'You Become That Which You See Your Self Do'... that's the idea that will change everything for good.
Remember, every thing that you have seen your Self do matters... but what matters most is what you have seen your Self do... most recently.
Meaning, you very much can teach 'an old dog new tricks'... IF... you find a 'way' to put the past in its place.
AND Remember...
Sometimes in the doing of 'Good'...
DON'T STOP DOING THE GOOD... because bad things happen.
'The American Dream'... is not just for Americans and it's not a house with a white picket fence. It's not a nice car or boat. It's not going to college. It's an inspired dream about the way things ought to be and for those who do what it takes to make The World a Better Place... come the rewards that might come in the form of a nice house, car or boat.
But if you pursue "the rewards" without the pursuit of The Dream, it won't take long to see you aren't really free if you go to work each day for the purpose of making another person's dreams come true. For a time, too many people went straight to collecting 'the symbols of success' only to find out over time, that the symbols of success without 'the journey' and The Dream... are unsustainable.
The Rate of Freedom... You aren't free if you are a Slave to indebtedness of ANY kind. Freedom is Intellectual and Emotional and when it comes to "feeling free" to pursue The American Dream... both are equally important. So, what's standing in the way of experiencing the Intellectual Growth that grows bank accounts and happiness? A lack of Emotional Freedom caused by blocking beliefs. It's these "blocking beliefs" that keep average people from learning the knowledge that technology is eager to teach... everyone.
The Degree of Faith… Life and energy have a flow and those who “do all they can with what they have” always find that they have all the energy and cooperation they need to fulfill their inspired purposes. When you come to realize this, the golden key then becomes your own action and Not the permission of others.
Building faith in your 'Self', Your Neighbor and in God (if you so choose) comes with a price… enough Trust to continuously take actions based only in that trust even in the face of harsh and predictable consequences or discomfort.
The Speed of Courage… The fear of pain is often much more painful than the pain that comes from doing the right thing. And the 'secret' to building courage is to feel the sting of the pain and still 'do the right thing' again and again. Bold and Strong people gain their strength by overcoming Pain and all the rest of life’s obstacles that are unknown and unknowable to those who are overly concerned with finding “the path of least resistance”.
Character... forged by courage has a speed and sometimes, just as the song says "the waiting is the hardest part", but having the courage to 'show up on-time' with an open mind to the far-reaching possibilities beyond your current abilities... Well let's just say, those are two of the most important ongoing factors in making your dreams come true.
The Delay of Gratification... Absence of Money, Love, Success and Good Health can be a true godsend... IF... you can discover 'the purpose' that makes it all good in the end. Money and Success feed the ego and shift the Self's attention to the celebration and the pursuit of comfort and pleasure. Keep the celebration and excessive pleasure at bay and you will "attract" the rest of the ideas and cooperation that will make for a lasting celebration... someday soon when the Purpose and Better Self are complete.
Delay Gratification long enough and a degree of Self-Sacrifice begins to set in and... the "demons" begin to step out. TENACITY, TENACITY, TENACITY is the key to unlocking 'the secrets' to ANY Dream.
It took a financial system meltdown and a mortgage and credit crisis for millions of Americans to see working for the purpose of monthly payments is a nightmare in the making. It's simple, if you aren't free to pursue your own dreams then you aren't free to dream The American Dream. That's why there isn't a "Roman Dream" or a "Hitler Dream" or a "Soviet Dream".
With all this mounting Debt... it's plain to see America is becoming less free one Credit Card purchase, one Big Bank Bailout and one lost American Dream at a time.
As you venture out of various shades and layers of grey and perhaps even darkness into a new world... a world that is more 'light' and filled with all the good things that come from the ideas and instincts of 'light', resist with all your heart the temptation to accept 'less' for your Self... and then get prepared for the fight of your life. Or at the very least brace your Self for the pain that always comes from meaningful change.
Because nothing 'changes a person' faster and more effectively than pain... for good or bad.
P.S. The Lost Secret to The American Dream... IS...
Belief in YOUR True Equality.
It's true. With belief in your True Equality...
there is very little YOU can't do.
Since 9.11... a relatively small, but very powerful and committed group of American citizens on The Left and on The Right...
have been hellbent on shredding...
The American Union.
And countless citizens on The Right and on The Left have followed their lead.
Mostly because they had no other choice.
Today... 300 million Americans finally have the other choice...
The Campaign to...
'Help Save The American Dream'.
MR. TRUMP… it pains me to say this, but in 2016 the people who voted you in...
Well, they did a good thing for America.
You took a political sledgehammer to America’s culture and to our Institutions and did enough damage so, it is now possible for...
REAL CHANGE to begin.
But you have been out of positive ideas for a really long time.
You are like The Hulk. All you know how to do is… SMASH.
You are an old man and a shell of who you were back in 2016 and that was obvious when Kamala Harris kicked your old man’s ass at The Debate…
for the whole world to see.
Don’t get me wrong.
To me, Kamala Harris was a big part of…
‘The Great Dementia Cover-Up’.
Hiding Biden’s diminished capacity from America… while Putin threatened The World with nuclear weapons should have disqualified her from the presidency.
But the thing is…
I have built a Nuclear War of Ideas between Democracy and Authoritarianism that is impossible for Democracy to lose... even as Authoritarian Fever ravages The World.
It’s how we unite 300 million Americans to…
Save The American Union...
and end America's Endless War.
It's an idea called 'Strategic Equality'. And it's a total game changer in every nation on Earth.
Unfortunately… this new venture of mine will NOT work while you are president.
SO… respectfully, it's time for you to retire.
This moment requires a ‘better’ mind filled with… LIGHT…
YES… today I ask, that for the good of America and The World that…
I know. I know.
That’s the last thing you intend to do.
After these 45 Apocalyptic tweets go viral, you might decide that at your age and after all you have been through, and let's face it... it really has been a long slog...
Well, after these 45 tweets go viral, I bet you decide it's time for you to spend more time with your family:
I began writing W.A.Y. and The End Times Metaphor on the day after 9.11 and completed it today, November 8th 2024.
It’s an Inspired ‘out of this world’ tale about how…
Generation Destiny and unwittingly turned The Bible’s Book of Revelation into a self-fulfilling prophecy and made The Biblical End Times Prophecy come true…
just in time to save The Planet from a disastrous fate.
Let’s face it… we definitely have wars and every time Putin threatens nuclear war or China threatens to invade Taiwan…
Well, those are ‘rumors of wars’.
We had our plague and Bill Gates says we should expect another any day.
And every time ISIS slaughters another innocent they do it in order to usher in The End Times.
And Trump’s Evangelical Base believes Trump is The Messiah.
And to the rest of us that’s funny because we know he’s The Anti-Christ.
Together we will harness all of the negative energy from...
destruction of Donald Trump, to 'fix' what America's politicians have broken.
MORE: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/open-letter-america-metaphor-bill-keefe-1f/
MORE: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/false-king-odyssey-metaphor-bill-keefe/
I went fishing the day after September 11th to get away from the TV, so I could clear my head and try to make sense of the darkness heading Our Way.
I was a month away from my 35th birthday and for the first time since high school I considered joining The Military.
America was going to War and I thought about all the death and destruction and about those who would sacrifice to keep US safe.
Standing on The Rocks I could see my reflection in the water and I didn't like what 9/11 had forced me to see.
As a young man I "wanted the ball" and all the responsibility that came with it. As an adult, I willingly let others carry the ball and the burden so I could have my fun in the Cape Cod sun.
As fate would have it, I celebrated July 4th 2000 by leaving a "job" to pursue an American Dream. But on 9/12 it seemed more likely than not, that my Dream was over. My business was already on shaky ground and I was losing faith.
It was clear My American Dream was about to fall to the terrorists.
So, I decided my personal response to 9/11 would be a 'First Promise to God' to see my American Dream through to the end... no matter what the cost.
IT'S TRUE. On September 1, 2001... my struggling business went online with a first of a kind Behavioral Health Program for college students. Having learned many lessons from the dot-com bubble, the business model included a subscription fee paid by colleges.
Trying hard not to rush into things, the previous 6 months were spent convincing eleven colleges to test the idea.
But "my plan" didn't include 9/11.
Imagine for a moment being a young entrepreneur, having burned through all your savings and original investments just to get to the day that "the test" could begin... and to be in possession of a one of a kind product (sparse as it was at the time) dedicated to the issues of stress, depression, anger and grief.
Well, what would you do in the immediate days after 9/11?
Most of you would do what I did... give the program to as many colleges as you could, free of charge.
After all, men and women were heading to war and some of them were about to literally give all they had to give. In my mind, the absolute very least that I could do... was the very best that I could do at the time.
The choice to offer the Outreach Program free to colleges was a fateful decision.
The original business proposition, proposed a test to determine if a branded website could reach "at risk" students ahead of risky, violent or otherwise dangerous behavior. Including suicide.
It's not hard to see the value to the schools... if it worked.
Reaching just one student could be very valuable.
I didn't know it at the time but giving the program away free meant that instead of needing to reach a troubled student, two or three... any successful new business model required that I reach millions... maybe stressed... but otherwise very healthy young men and women with commercial health messages that they didn't need.
Over time I came to believe that a healthy person not only doesn't need to hear about the symptoms of depression... but that general mental health education that distributed vague and sometimes misleading "symptoms of depression" could possibly plant the seeds of depression or at the very least- feed it.
In the Fall of 2007 just as I was preparing a HUGE business launch... I woke-up from a dream to the idea that my work, no matter how well intended... Well, if it all worked as intended... my business could do a great deal more harm than good.
...and I could NOT live with that.
Face to face with that DARK reality... I eventually pulled the plug and flushed all of my hard work down the cyber drain.
To make this long story short...
Somehow, I lost the ability to give-up on my dream.
Each day that passed I learned a little more about what it takes to make a dream come true... so I stayed true to my dream, believing that one way OR another it was only a matter of time before my dream finally came true.
I started sharing what I was learning about The American Dream in April of 2003 when the earliest version of W.A.Y. was posted free online.
The simple act of 'sharing' fed the part of me that wanted to become a part of 'the solution' in any way that I could.
I didn't know what to expect at the time... but I certainly didn't expect to receive so many emails from people who said the book helped them to regain their Faith in God or that because of the book they found reason to hope again and how grateful they were that I had posted the book free online.
It was because of the readers' words and emails that I began to develop a deep sense of responsibility to make sure the words... weren't empty words.
So, I decided to live by the words.
That was easier said than done, but over time I found that some of the original words were wrong and caused by faulty beliefs.
I worked very hard to find and change the beliefs that needed to be changed.
The more change and pain… I… was willing to embrace... the deeper and better the words became and W.A.Y. became a much different book as it became part of a much bigger plan.
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