For 11 years I was my Mother’s caregiver. It was the most beautiful, excruciatingly painful, precious time of my life. Especially the last 3 years of her life, when she required 24/7 care as she eventually lost the ability to do anything for herself but smile and breathe…
all during COVID.
I share this with you today, because a huge part of this new venture of mine was created during my time as my Mother’s caregiver.
But also, because after 23 years of Endless-war it’s time for America to heal.
Yes. There will need to be new fights to ensure America gets the absolute very best care we can give Her... but make no mistake it’s time to heal.
My new venture…
‘Freice Media’… is a MASSIVE, true bottom up strategic plan to ‘fix and heal’ post 9.11 America.
On November 1, 2023, Pope Francis called for a “Paradigm Shift”.
So, here it is:
All of The World’s religions have worked as God designed. Period.
And by ‘worked’ I mean, all of The World’s religions have done their part in delivering humanity to this truly perilous moment in time, a time that could easily spiral out of control and imperil all life on Earth with...
Nuclear World War III.
When October 7th 2023 came and The World took a tragic, very, very dark turn for the worse...
I knew it was finally time to begin unveiling my work.
In January 2008 my Behavioral Health initiative for college students failed and I moved back home with my parents so I could keep working on the problem from a different angle.
Unfortunately, not too long after that my Mother began to fail from rapidly progressing Dementia and as a matter of course I promised my Father that I would take ‘ownership’ of her care.
For 11 years I was my Mother’s 24/7 caregiver.
Initially, that meant taking just about every step with her... that she was unable to do on her own. As time passed, she was unable to do anything on her own. And the last 3 years of her life she was unable to speak or walk or do anything for herself but smile and breathe.
It was the most difficult, painful… BEAUTIFUL… time of my life. But I was able to give my Mother the absolute best care our family could provide and I was able to see my Father through a devastating time.
My Father passed on February 19th 2023 and twelve days later my Mother passed too.
I share this with you all today, because for a really long time the ONLY thing I did was take care of my parents… and… develop my new venture called Freice Media and an amazing idea called ‘Strategic Equality’.
It was this beautiful time with my parents that gave me The Bandwidth to get my mind around some of The World's biggest problems.
It’s hard to explain… but this dark, ugly moment we all face today, is the moment I have been preparing for since 9.12.2001.
Because of my unflinching fidelity to God, I have uncovered some really powerful ideas… ideas that I have been collecting, finetuning and have finally loaded onto Social Media.
And I have turned these ideas into a new media company that is designed to unite 300 million Americans to help ‘fix’ The Post 9.11 World… with a tech start-up.
Because America’s political system is broken and controlled by those with a lust for war.
9.11… created a terrible, new paradigm for humanity that has manifested into ‘a worldwide death spiral’...
and America’s Endless-war and all of the dysfunction and nastiness in Washington DC that came with it, is at the center of it all.
For the last 23 years, with what I believe to be the guidance of God, I have been building an alternative paradigm that will turn the dark, negative explosion of energy from the horrific terrorist attack in Israel and the resulting war… into…
The End of The Endless-war that began on 9.11 and NOT the beginning of a new terrible time for humanity that could very well end in nuclear World War III.
I know it’s a big claim…
to say that I know the way out of this mess. But I do.
And the way we begin to unite The World to prevent nuclear World War III is to immediately conduct ‘a controlled burn’ like they do with raging forest fires by launching…
388 TWEET...
I'm a Social Entrepreneur with an American Dream.
It's an idea for how to harness The Power of Myth, Metaphor, Imagination, Conspiracy Theory & Social Media...
where we no longer want to kill each other.
Will it work?
Time to find out.
When America responded to 9.11 by invading Iraq... it was an Extreme response.
It was an Extreme response because Iraq had nothing to do with 9.11.
When America invaded Iraq in order to demonstrate America's power to The Muslim World… WE… set The Extremist Genie free.
Today…. The Extremist Genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back in.
This Genie has no choice but to serve the most powerful master. Even if that master serves only The Greater Good.
That's the best way to understand my extreme political solution to this global post 9.11 mess we are all in right now.
By some cosmic twist of fate, my new venture Freice Media has become America’s home-grown solution to all forms of political Extremism, brought to you by a lone-wolf actor that felt the need to bring as much good into The World as was humanly possible for one person to do.
Here is the short version of the very long journey that brought me here today:
I took a leap of faith on the day after 9.11.
Because, on September 1, 2001… my start-up behavioral health company for college students went live with a ‘test’ to determine if a subscription based, branded online outreach program could reach at risk college students…
ahead of… crisis points.
Think back to 2001.
It was a pretty big idea at the time.
Then came 9.11 and I was in possession of a first of a kind product dealing with stress, anxiety, grief, and depression…
sparse as it was at the time and...
Well, you get the point.
I believed I had something to offer.
So, I scrapped my eleven-college test and began offering my product to all colleges free of charge.
Almost right away 375 schools joined in.
To make this very long story short…
I was never able to create a business model I could live with.
All roads kept leading back to pharmaceutical companies. And I couldn’t live with that, so I pulled the plug on that model and began coming at the problem from a different angle.
The reason I am sharing this story now, is because early on after 9.11…
I learned a ‘truth’ about Terrorism and all forms of Extremism that is about to change everything.
It’s The Idea that:
Terrorism/Extremism can’t be stopped. It must be replaced by better ideas.
Since the day after 9.11…
I have been crafting the competing narrative and the ideas that would give those in desperate need of change… at whatever level, the ways and means to begin to create believable change...
I know that’s a big claim, to claim that I have such ideas and a new ‘way’ to reach The Extremists and to prevent extreme behavior… ahead of… crisis points.
But I do.
I’ve been working on this for 23 years.
And to say that it literally cost me just about everything to get here today… would be an understatement.
For 23 years I stayed true and connected to my purpose and this thread of Inspiration. No matter what the cost.
Now, The World is at a true crisis point… and no one knows how to do anything but make more war and political violence.
As fate would have it…
I have created an alternative paradigm to The Endless-war Paradigm that has ravaged the planet for 23 years.
It's a turnkey, 100% ready to go... 'way' to harness for good, all of this darkness and negative energy that gives rise to all forms of political extremism and mass shootings and terrorism and war… AND…
I want to be clear, there is no quick solution to Political Extremism of any kind.
But I have built an EXPLOSIVE paradigm shift that will put The Extremist Genie to good work.
The foundation for all my work comes down to this basic idea:
Human minds, especially damaged minds… are unable to process so much darkness, division, hate and war. So, people ‘break’. Often badly. People lose hope. And when they lose hope… they become vulnerable to bad people and bad ideas.
And bad people and bad ideas are everywhere right now.
It’s time for Good People to provide ‘better’.
And because of that, this project of mine, provides a better strategy for change… AND… directly confronts these dark people and ideas.
There just isn’t a ‘soft’ way to get extremists to change their ways. Together we must convince those prone to extremism that there is a more powerful/extreme and most importantly… believable… way to get things done.
That’s why since October 7th 2023…
I have been thinking about my product as...
The Nonviolence Nuke.
I have given to The American People the ideas we need, not to defeat Trump... BUT... to unite America to overcome all of the damage America's politicians have done to...
The Post 9.11 World.