On November 1st 2023…
3 weeks after The Iran/Hamas attack on Israel, you were at a loss for words and asked for...
A Paradigm Shift.
I know it’s a big claim to say such a thing… BUT… I now possess the words and ideas you have been looking for and have shared them across multiple Social Media platforms.
It would be great if you could share these words from The Vatican and make sure Humanity understands their importance:
Find the "purpose" for which Inspiration flows to you. Pursue Inspiration and Purpose with all the Freedom, Faith and Courage you can muster.
If you do, immense happiness and meaning will also flow to you... perhaps someday soon and shine Light and Energy on your purpose, your life and the world around you... making the World a better place to live for those who you love and those who come next.
Submitting to the ideals, manipulation and criticism of others and forsaking Inspiration and your Better Self is a tragedy in the making and only you can stop it.
If the promising seeds of your life’s purposes remain dormant within you... then you alone must find them and provide the energy for their growth. Without this they will bear no fruit.
Most of your life you have been conditioned to look to other people for assistance and guidance. But they are flawed and have provided you with little more than excuses to hide behind.
The sad reality is... the missed opportunities of your lifetime will always be the missed opportunities of your lifetime unless you put an end to all of the excuses.
To pull back the curtain on Your Intellectual and Emotional Freedom all you need to do is trust Your Inspiration beyond everything. It really is possible to create what should have always been there.
Your only requirement to begin the journey of a lifetime is to pick a Purpose and pursue it each day of your life with maximum... Freedom, Faith and Courage.
Too often instead of recognizing that 'We' have merely gone first, most of US choose to place a distinction between Our Way and the capabilities of Our neighbor... believing those who so often fail to advance, would if only they were equal to the "task". Never giving much thought to what we perceive as an equal path is hardly ever such a course.
Sadly, we have mostly failed to turn our hard-earned life lessons into lasting institutions of purpose and inclusion in order to set a clear path for our like.
Fresh, bold, insightful and with so much to offer... it amazes me how few of us, have turned our back to selfish interest in order to share what we have learned with those who are ready to be "next".
But there is a New Way building among US and we must learn how to "feed it well" so the Better part of US can grow as strong as 'We' need it to be.
All Humans really do possess the innate ability to improve and expand their lives and those of their families if they care enough to taste their own Sense of Equality on the way to The American Dream or The Russian Dream or The Iranian Dream or whatever dream you have the Freedom, Faith and Courage to believe in.
New technology, specifically Social Networking Technology... allows for each of us an opportunity to engage an Inspired role in life and rally together to build 'ladders', hope and optimism in every corner of the world... making it possible for the first time in Human history, to prove that the word 'all'...
Really does mean ALL!
Indeed, every person has a Role.
Even those who have gone "off-course" can find Inspired purpose, meaning and contribution in the missteps of their travels.
This growing New Way among us is all inclusive and is already being built by millions of men and women who after 9-11... already took their "Leap of Faith" and they hope and pray that you will join them.
Whether you have "Faith" in God or not.
Remember, it is the "Purpose" that matters most, as the Inspiration that calls forth the unrelenting effort from so many scientists is the same Inspiration that calls you and me to care for our "brothers and sisters" out of what we believe is service to God.
"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. But teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime."
Unfortunately, with today's advanced fish-finding technology and amazing, lifelike artificial baits-- if you teach too many people to fish you will empty the lakes, rivers, streams & oceans.
What's... The Moral Of...
Our Shared 2025 Story?
The path that we ALL find ourselves on today, is unsustainable and in this modern world, without at least a few new beliefs...
sooner or later it's likely that we will all starve.
On November 1, 2023...
Pope Francis called for a “Paradigm Shift”...
a “courageous, cultural revolution” in religious thinking so that Humanity may rise in unity and confront this dark moment with…
The Power of Light.
My new venture…
Freice Media… IS…
‘The Papal Paradigm Shift’.
And it’s how we unite The World with a massive, nonviolence...
so, we may finally end 23 years of Endless-war carnage across The Globe.
Let me explain…
On October 7th 2023… Iranian backed Hamas stunned The World with a horrific terror attack on innocent Israeli civilians… including the slaughter of the elderly and the slaughter of very young children.
This attack was designed to elicit a horrific response from Israel... as part of The Iran/Hamas Strategic Plan to turn Israel into an International pariah.
So far, Israel has responded exactly as Iran/Hamas hoped that they would… by slaughtering thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians… including the elderly and very young children.
In this current endless-war paradigm, Iran and Hamas thrive on the slaughter of both Israeli and Palestinian innocents.
It’s NOW time for those of us who are disgusted by the slaughter of ALL innocents… no matter where the innocents live or the nature of their religion, to finally make a stand and together hold to account ALL of the world's leaders who thrive on the slaughter of innocents…
Someone needed to 'Imagine' our way out of this mess and that is what I have done.