I'm a Social Entrepreneur with a special skillset. I know how to unite 300 million Americans to...
with a tech start-up.
And by 'American Union'... what I really mean is... all The People in The World who believe the idea of democracy is a much, much, much better idea than Authoritarian Rule.
P.S. Don't just look at the tweets on the front of this Twitter page. Check out the Apocalyptic tweets in the 'Replies' section too:
1. The Nonviolence Solution to Terrorism has been reduced to 388 epic tweets.
I know that's quite a claim.
But scroll to the bottom of this Twitter page and you will see for yourself that it's true and how it will change---
2. A GoFundMe Campaign to 'Help Save The American Dream'.
3. FREICE MEDIA... is a way to RE-PURPOSE The World's NEGATIVE energy into a MASSIVE campaign for POSITIVE change by providing The People 'the word weapons & ideas' we need to wrestle political control away from The Authoritarian Thugs.
More: http://Freice.com
4. 'The Party of US' (coming soon)...
is a way to END Two Party Rule in America by destroying America's two major political parties and replacing them with...
Political Party called THE PARTY OF US.
More: http://ThePartyOfUS.com
5. The primary business proposition of this new venture will become...
COMING SOON! (with your help)...
The popularity of Social Networking Technology has helped shine a light on why orators, artists and authors have created such sway for themselves throughout human history.
Fundamentally all humans have a story and their infinite value comes from their desire and ability to share it
Today's technology allows for all people to Tell and... SELL... their story.
And if they do share the lessons of their life's journey within the right context and to enough people, society has a very real chance to overcome all of the major crises of our time and so will the future generations to come.
Within each person or nation's climb is The Real Story about what ideas, beliefs and knowledge lead to a successful journey.
With all that is wrong in the world today... it's obvious the 'secrets' need to be shared with as many people and nations as possible.
So, it's finally time to use Social Networking Technology to release the light within all of us by ushering in The 'magic' Learning Economy, a new system of economic prosperity that allows every person to play a dual role of Student and Teacher as we teach each other the secrets to living a successful Dream, in every language and every country in the world.
In time, We...
You, Me and every person across the Globe will attempt to close "The Circle of Life" with the best stories delivered to the right person at the exact right time, chronicled and available to mankind forever... a Sacred Storytelling Medium of a sort, where each person can know that their life will have value in the now moment and long after they are gone.
This is... http://TheDreamFeeder.com
Over time, we might even turn the world's education system on its head as we learn to ignore the generational wisdom of those who say you must have a degree... to become a Gifted Teacher. This Generation is on the very real verge of proving that being a Student of Life will suffice.
6. The 174 Billion Dollar Entrepreneurial Fund...
In every city, state and town in America... all Americans Wishing to pursue their American Dream will begin with a visit to their local Library and witness its transformation into a Community Entrepreneurial Support Center.
OR... visit... TheDreamFeeder. com (coming soon).
The Entrepreneurial Spirit has always been the cornerstone of our Nation's advancement and economy.
Throughout our history, the government has taken a very active and supportive role in commercial enterprises. Now it is time for the government to remove the special interest stranglehold on business development and establish a direct function to widen the average American's access to the benefits of the entrepreneurial umbrella.
We must end the practice of campaign contributions influencing which ventures or industries will receive taxpayer dollars.
The E-Fund will invest taxpayer money at the individual level, based on thoroughness and viability of a business undertaking without regard for political connections and donations.
By making it possible… more will try. And We need more to try!
The Objective is Simple… design institutional infrastructure aimed at demystifying and energizing the entrepreneurial process for those American Citizens with ideas and courage but without the historical experience, family/political connections or seed money to turn their thoughts into tangible value.
Every successful enterprise has common components which lead to success. We will use social networking technology and a shared National Purpose to ensure the circulation of resources, experience and ideas for the greatest good of... The Many.
The Entrepreneurial Support Centers and E-Fund will make individual skill training and development a primary intention.
The Centers will also provide start-up expertise, seed capital investment and large scale coordination of federal, state and local resources while building a bridge to existing small and large business entities.
The intent of the Entrepreneurial Support Center is to provide idea incubation until the holder(s) of the idea invest enough "sweat equity" to create value which permits the proposition to stand on its own.
Once a sustainable business model is established, banks and other traditional funding mechanisms will take over.
Remember this...
If We build it...
Congress MUST fund it!
7. AMERICA'S TWO PARTY SYSTEM IS BROKEN... YOU... can fix this problem by Swarming EVERY City/Town Hall in America and one voter after another... reduce the rolls of Democratic and Republican Parties to Party Elites who created this mess.