President Trump…
I think you are confused.
I hate to say it. I really do. But a lot of really good people are counting on you to help them make the transition into Modernity.
And to live well in Modernity is crazy expensive.
I’m not talking Inflation expensive. Sure, that doesn’t help. I’m talking modern amenities expensive.
And you keep talking about America’s New Golden Age and that’s why I think you are confused.
Because many of the things you are doing and saying are actually ushering in…
America's New Gilded Age.
And I know you don’t want to do that.
The First Gilded Age was terrible for The People who would have called themselves your ’base’.
The First Gilded Age basically had two classes.
The Super Rich and their servants who paid whatever price The Super Rich forced them to pay.
I know this isn’t what you want.
You can’t want this again.
What The People of America need from you today is a MASSIVE Strategic Plan to help everyone make the crazy expensive transition into Modernity.
We don’t really care who gets rich as long as we get to live The Good Life Too.
I know you don’t have a plan like this so, I am going to give you mine.
You can call it whatever you want.
You can even call it yours.
Just please, please whatever you do…
stop ushering in…
America’s New Gilded Age.
I have just completed the process of giving to you, the REAL way to unite America and unlock the hidden potential of 300 million Americans and billions more people across The Globe.
With what I have given to you... your presidential legacy could have no parallel in American history... FOREVER.
What's the catch?
No catch.
I just need to tell you upfront that I am NOT a Trump supporter and that much of my past criticisms of you have been pretty harsh.
But the same thing can be said about JD Vance.
So, we know you have what it takes to put...
The Good of America First.
YES... PRESIDENT TRUMP... I have just given to you The Way to unite 300 million Americans and help you make Dr. Martin Luther King's Dream Come True.
YES... PRESIDENT TRUMP... I have just given to you a MASSIVE strategic plan to help you become The Peacemaker and The Unifier you just told US you want to become.
This is Where and How we begin:
It scared me in 2015 when Donald Trump first emerged as a political force. Not because his ideas are all bad.
They are not.
But his 'Elitism'... IS... poison to The American Soul.
For the last 9 years...
I listened closely to Trump supporters and found myself agreeing with many of their concerns about The Democratic Party. Certainly not all. But many.
Today, I want to thank Donald Trump for being such an asshole. If not for him, I would never have found it within myself to get here today.
I’m not a Trump supporter.
I'm about as far away from being a Trump supporter as any American can be.
But I love America. And Donald Trump is MY president.
So, I have figured out how to rally the entire nation behind President Trump to solve some of America’s biggest problems.
It’s not an easy needle to thread, obviously... but there is a lot more common ground than most people think.
After all we have been through together since 9.11...
not a single American can afford to let President Trump fail.
The way I look at it, if I’m willing to help President Trump where I can, then everyone else can keep an open mind too.
With that in mind, everyone should know that I have been extremely tough on President Trump with some of my political rhetoric in the past.
I have no intention of hiding that fact. But since 11.9.2024...
I have focused my attention on building 'The Loyal Opposition'. It's a way to unite America to provide constructive criticism of The President...
That was missing in President Trump's first term.
Mr. Trump… America needs you to succeed.
So, I have built you 'The Loyal Opposition'.
I promise you... this loyal opposition will help you and America become better.
It's been a long time since America has had A Loyal Opposition and it has hurt US.
It has hurt US in so many different ways
I’m not a Trump supporter or a Harris supporter.
I didn’t vote in The 2024 Election because in the 23 years since 9.11…
America’s democracy became… FAKE.
Since 9.11…
I have been working on a ‘way’ to Save The American Union, our Republic and our democracy.
But this thing with Democrats keeping Biden’s mental decline hidden from The American People was too much for me to abide.
So, I decided I will abstain from America’s fake democracy until such a time as it is no longer…
I’m a Social Entrepreneur with a special skillset. I know how to unite 300 million Americans to Save The American Union in 2025 and beyond.
To be clear… some of my work until this point, you will not like.
When you were elected in 2016, I came to the conclusion that my ideas wouldn’t work while you were in power, so I took a very adversarial approach.
Today… YOU HAVE WON… I will no longer take the same adversarial approach to your leadership.
Like I said America needs you to succeed. And we need to stop this vicious cycle of The Party Out of Power trying to destroy The President of The Party In Power.
Since 9.11… we all have said and done things that will always be a part of our ‘history’.
For me… I intend to leave all of my past criticism of you in the past.
None of US can undo… unsay… or unwrite what we have done and said in the past. But we can begin again with better intentions. And from this moment on my intention is to help My President succeed by giving to you this MASSIVE strategic plan to unite 300 million Americans to Save The American Union.
President Trump no American President has been treated worse than you and in The Holiday Spirit it’s time for ALL Americans to in a single voice say:
"Sorry President Trump".
It was cruel to you that hundreds of thousands of Americans responded to your new presidency and The Access Hollywood Tape in which Americans could hear you in your own voice admit to unwanted touching of ‘private parts’… by marching on Washington wearing Pussy Hats.
That’s no way to welcome a democratically elected president.
"Sorry President Trump".
It was cruel to you that your Republican Attorney General Jeff Sessions responded to widespread Russian election interference by appointing Special Counsel Mueller.
That’s a horrible thing to do to a democratically elected president,
"Sorry President Trump".
And of course, The Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid should never have happened. The DOJ should have been more understanding.
It was obvious to me that the only reason you took and refused to return America’s Classified and Top-Secret Documents was because you weren’t planning on building a presidential library back then and you were just building a lazy man’s shrine.
"Sorry President Trump".
And millions of people including me were terribly cruel about your physical appearance.
I mean really. It’s not ‘inclusive’ at all to constantly ridicule you about being fat and all your other physical insecurities.
Especially, your strange compulsion to wear 24/7 orange makeup to mask your old age.
And this picture that reveals your deepest, darkest secret to The World…
Well, I should have never said that you turned yourself into a Freak when you took all the hair from the back of your head and put it on top to pretend that you didn’t go bald.
"Sorry President Trump".
And just because you gave all your political opponents demeaning nicknames, when I finally gave you your nickname:
”President Wormwood”…
that was still really mean of me to take away your Evangelical base with a brutal Biblical nickname like that.
"Sorry President Trump".
I’m not a Democrat. I’m an Independent.
But on behalf of all Democrats, Never Trumpers and Independents everywhere who could never vote for you...
I have to say it feels really good to begin your new term by saying:
"Sorry President Trump".
Yes. We learned our lessons from how unfairly you were treated last time around.
And it’s clear you did too.
Nominating Matt Gaetz for Attorney General?
Genius. What’s not to like about that?
And all this talk about taking over Canada, Greenland and The Panama Canal…
after 23 years of America’s Endless War?
More genius. What’s not to like about that?
Glad to have you back Mr. President.
This time we will all do better and strive for American unity right from the start.
In all seriousness Mr. President...
let's all of US including you leave this nonsense in the past.
There isn't a single American that should want you to fail today. Not one.
Too much is at stake in 2025 and beyond.
Let's all do better.
MR. TRUMP… it pains me to say this, but in 2016 the people who voted you in...
Well, they did a good thing for America.
You took a political sledgehammer to America’s culture and to our Institutions and did enough damage so, it is now possible for...
REAL CHANGE to begin.
But you have been out of positive ideas for a really long time.
You are like The Hulk. All you know how to do is… SMASH.
You are an old man and a shell of who you were back in 2016 and that was obvious when Kamala Harris kicked your old man’s ass at The Debate…
for the whole world to see.
Don’t get me wrong.
To me, Kamala Harris was a big part of…
‘The Great Dementia Cover-Up’.
Hiding Biden’s diminished capacity from America… while Putin threatened The World with nuclear weapons should have disqualified her from the presidency.
But the thing is…
I have built a Nuclear War of Ideas between Democracy and Authoritarianism that is impossible for Democracy to lose... even as Authoritarian Fever ravages The World.
It’s how we unite 300 million Americans to…
Save The American Union...
and end America's Endless War.
And put The World on a new path to cure Income Inequality.
It's an idea called 'Strategic Equality'. And it's a total game changer in every nation on Earth.
Unfortunately for me… this new venture of mine took a lot of work to make it work as it should while you are president. But I figured it out.
SO... I'm very happy to help you succeed.
BUT… respectfully, it seems like it's time for you to retire.
This moment requires a ‘better’ mind filled with… LIGHT…
YES… today I ask, that for the good of America and The World that…
If not, then I look forward to working with you to Make America a Better Place to Live for Everyone.