I’m ready to meet someone special. And I can’t even begin to tell how excited I am to be able to say that.
It’s a long story, but I’ve been consumed by a project that is going to do a lot of good in the world.
Fortunately, the part of the project that required all of my attention for a really long time is complete.
Now, I’m looking for someone to share the best part of my life with.
I’m not looking for perfect. Just perfect for me.
The thing is I’m pretty sure that I only have a small window to meet someone special before this new venture of mine is going to make life for… us (I hope)… really crazy and really exciting.
I’m trying to ‘thread the needle’ I guess.
But I’m a believer in destiny & fate.
That’s why I’m here.
Let me explain…
I'm a 58-year-old single guy who hasn't been on a date in more than 18 years and now I'm finally ready meet...
'the woman of my dreams'.
On the day after 9.11... I took a leap of Faith and woke-up the next day in a 'Rabbit Hole'... not unlike the place Bill Murray 'found' himself in... in the 1993 movie "Groundhog Day".
I was a flawed man back then when I entered my Rabbit Hole, not unlike Bill Murray's character in the movie. But instead of a relative handful of 'Groundhog Days' to do over and over again until he emerged a much better man... my story not only required that I become a much better man…
I also needed to produce a MASSIVE transformational idea called 'Strategic Equality'. And to do that...
Well, doing all that took me more than 23 years.
For Bill Murray... by the time he got out of his Rabbit Hole, a relative handful of 'Groundhog Days' cost him very little in The Real World.
For me... the whole world had passed me by.
The Pursuit of Strategic Equality took from me just about everything I once cherished about my life... including the dream of finding a great woman to spend the rest of my life with and having a family of my own.
I woke-up today, a very different man, with a truly priceless tech start-up called Freice Media… grounded in…
The Idea of Strategic Equality.
It’s time to find out if I was right to bet my life on the importance of an idea.
Have you ever wondered what YOU could do if you possessed the single-mindedness of an Olympic athlete or an Inspired scientist who took ownership of a disease until a cure was at hand?
I ask this of you, because to understand me and what it really took to craft Strategic Equality…
Well, you are really going to have to think deep.
It's finally time for me to start all over again, with a new set of beliefs about what ‘good things & people’ will come my way.
…because there is NO WAY for me to do what comes next alone.
What type of woman am I looking for?
I'm looking for a woman who is Strong, Smart & Kind with A Very Big Heart and An Open Mind and the ability to think and dream big...
I am sharing all this with The World...
because today, right now...
I am ready for ***A TRUE PARTNER*** in all that comes next in my life.
So, if you know someone like this or even better YOU are the woman, I have spent my whole life searching for... please let me know.
P.S. How I created The Bandwidth to train my attention for so long on 'Strategic Equality'... is a beautiful, excruciatingly painful story that I will share soon enough.
Until then, you should know... when it comes to growing old and all the difficulties that can come with it... you can trust me to handle my part with grace and dignity.
YES. Eighteen- and one-half years.
That’s how long it has been since my last date and after last night’s dream… it’s clearly time to tell you the story behind that.
It was the end of August 2006. Mid-morning. 7 or 8 weeks since my last date. I was in The Mashpee Massachusetts Starbucks near The Rotary.
That store was always busy and often times, because the tables were so close together… I would have conversations with the people sitting next to me.
On that day it was no different. Except it was everything different.
The man next to me said he “was a Missionary” just back from doing Good Work in Africa and how he was “lucky that God had given him a wife to travel through life with”…
So, they could do The Good Work they both felt ‘called’ to do.
August 2006. I was deep into this Spiritual journey of mine and I liked the idea of that very much.
By then I was relying on God’s Inspiration for just about everything… but it never crossed my mind to rely on God for that too.
I literally felt stupid. It was as if a light had just gone on in my head.
When I got back to where I was living at the time, I promised God that I would leave the task of finding the woman I was looking for… to God. Which was no small thing because I was about to turn 40 and nothing was more important to me at the time than to be in a relationship that would…
Well, I very much wanted to have a family of my own.
It’s funny how God works. A week or so after that came ‘my test’. A very pretty. Very nice woman who was 16 years younger than me decided to make it clear to me that she didn’t think it was an accident that we kept ‘running into each other’ and that she thought it was time for us to get to know each other better.
She was great. But I knew she wasn’t My Soulmate. And I had just made this new promise to God and to the best of my knowledge, for the first time… I said no.
She was shocked. Because we both thought she was ‘Hot’.
7 months later I received The Divine Invitation.
I wasn’t always as single-minded as I am today… but I am VERY single-minded today. This is what I do. This is what I am--- because it’s all I think about now.
How do I give Humanity what God needs Humanity to know… in order to change course before it really is too late? That’s all I think about right now. Really. I don’t even feel Fear anymore.
It feels as though I am about to cross this truly amazing finish line and it just feels stupid for me to be afraid of anything right now. A few weeks ago… Fear still had a place in me. That was before I began writing ‘New, Good News’.
The Law of Attraction is a real thing and if it weren’t for my single-minded nature today, there is no way I show-up today with what The World needs more than anything else, if it were not for…
The Power of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
Not under 50.
Bill Belichick can do what he wants. But I think he’s nuts.
As my parents’ caregiver I watched up close the beauty of two people aging together and that’s what I hope I am lucky enough to find…
sooner rather than later.
Sure. There are lots of things about aging that are far from beautiful… but to share the experience of it all with someone you love is a gift.
A true gift I hope to know.
Any significant age imbalance means I would be aging alone. Having spent so much time alone the absolute last thing I want now is to old-age alone too.
Wisdom and self-depreciating humor go a long way towards happy aging. Things I laugh at now about myself I would not have thought the least bit funny in my 30’s or 40’s.
A woman ‘my age’ would get that.
Let’s face it... it’s always better to share a joke than to be laughed at for something you have no control over.
That’s just a little of the wisdom I learned from watching my beautiful parents age.
Another thing that matters, really matters is whoever she is needs to be able to scroll through the 388 tweets of mine and…
well, it’s not necessary she agree with me on everything, in fact it’s probably best she doesn’t, but whoever she is needs to understand that for better or worse those tweets come with me.
Whether those ideas age well or not… that’s who I am now… and where I'm headed.
Could I fall in love with a Trump supporter?
Of course I could.
As long as she knows how skeptical I am about Trump and 'Trumpism' aging well.
Oh. One more thing…
For the right woman I will travel anywhere.